tutti.ch Hackdays

Distributed tracing


Tutti’s infrastructure is becoming more distributed, consisting of more individual components. This makes it harder for any single person to know the exact path a request takes, what services it talks to, what the bottlenecks are, etc.

Distributed tracing helps with this by following the path a request takes all the way through the infrastructure. This already exists in Tutti to an extent through context IDs, but they’re only stored in logfiles, which is not easy to read and to correlate as a human.


OpenTracing (as well as other standards like OpenCensus, Zipkin, etc.) helps solve this by standardizing how tracing is done. Jaeger, built on top of the OpenTracing standard is an opensource tool by Uber which visualizes this information.

This hack aims to set up Jaeger and instrument one or more services in tutti-services as a proof-of-concept.

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