tutti.ch Hackdays

Turbo fraud hunt queue

Imagine you’re a Customer Happiness Agent.

You know you have to PROTECC our users from fraud, before the dum-dums fall into the Sly, evil trap prepared by seasoned fraudsters.

You also know that Fraudsters register new evuhl ads with new accounts.

So before you even think about hunting them down, you must know the newest user group.

And only then, you can start, albeit very clunkily, hunt for fraudulent ads.


Average time until we found the first fraudulent ad: 3 minutes We remove over 100 fraudulent ads that way. PER DAY.

That’s a potential net cost saving of at least SIX HOURS! (Tendency:increasing)

By implementing this you get an added bonus! Additional focus, you can deal with the new users’ ads exclusively!

Think about the users, think about us! New turbo fraud hunt queue!

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